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Sample Questions
“I heard the defendant has been arrested and is about to be released; how do I tell the judge that I don't want the defendant anywhere near me?”

We CAN Answer This Question.
“The prosecutor just told me they won't be keeping hate crime charges in a plea agreement they want to offer, and I don’t think it is fair; is there anything that can be done?”

We CAN Answer This Question.
“I am an immigrant and was victimized by someone who doesn't like immigrants; I heard that there may be VISAs that help protect me; how do I apply?”

We CAN NOT Answer This Question.

Learn About Your Rights
People who meet the legal definition of a crime "victim" under their jurisdiction's laws are entitled to rights during criminal investigation and prosecution. These rights are "crime victims' rights". Learn more about these rights here!
Information you can trust
NCVLI is the only national, legal organization with a focus on protecting the rights of those victimized by crime. Our legal team has more than 100 years combined experience protecting victims' rights. We are recognized as the premiere victims' rights enforcement training entity, having trained attorneys on how to protect victims' rights since 2002. We also operate the only national association of victims' rights attorneys.