For Lawyers
Welcome to the Victims’ Rights Advice Project, which provides information and brief legal advice to victims of hate and bias crimes in Oregon. The Project includes an online Portal through which individuals can submit questions about victims’ rights and volunteer attorneys can provide brief legal advice in response to those questions at no cost to the person asking the question. To learn more about volunteering, including the estimated time commitment, training and technical assistance provided to volunteer attorneys, attorney-client privilege and work product, and other related matters, see the Attorney FAQs below.
NCVLI appreciates your interest in volunteering and supporting victims of hate and bias crimes. Attorneys with existing accounts may select “Login” below to view and select questions. To set up a new account, please select “Sign up here” below.

Lori's Story
Lori is an attorney who works for a smaller law firm. She decides that she would like to expand her practice and help survivors in connection with criminal justice. Lori attends several trainings offered by the National Crime Victim Law Institute and signs up to volunteer for the Victims' Rights Advice Project to give brief legal advice to victims of hate and bias crimes in Oregon. She can select and answer questions based on topic, complexity, and jurisdiction.